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Sunday, May 19, 2013

May 19th - Day 13 in New Zealand

After saying good bye to our farm stay hosts we headed to Oamaru. On the way we made a stop at Robert and Maryanne Kane's farm which is a fourth generation farm. We started off with a tour of their 600, soon to be 700, head dairy farm that was built just three years ago but still looks like new! It was our first rotary parlor that recorded individual daily milking records using the EID tag system.  They are also very focused on pasture management by trapping effluent, or manure and then using an irrigator to spread it onto to the paddocks. They also continually measured pasture growth using a pasture meter, which is a box that is pulled behind the ATV and uses GPS to track where they measure.

We then went onto see a mob of sheep. Yes a mob, that is what they call everything here, not herds or flocks. He was in the process of transferring the sheep into a different  paddock, however this did not go smoothly with spectators. The sheep got spooked and  the mob ran through the fence. We felt pretty bad about it, but it wasn't to bad of a fix.
After the sheep we looked at his Hereford and Angus bulls. He is having a sale soon so he thought it would be a good idea for us to walk through them to see how they would react with large groups. Amongst the Angus bulls he kept two billy goats. We found this strange, he said that the goats will stop the bulls from fighting. These little goats physically get between these giant bulls and separate them!

Once we arrived at Oamaru we checked into our hotel and quickly got back into the bus to head to the cove! Why? To see little blue penguins of course! There is 100 of these flightless birds that nest in this region. During the day the parents go out to sea and hunt for food. At dusk they return to the beach in small groups, also known as rafts. There is a small platform for people to watch as they climb up the rocky ledge to there nests. No photography was allowed, but we were able to leave a little note at the penguin center.

See you soon!
Colton and Lauren

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